Guys need time with guys. Male bonding builds confidence and exchanges life skills. It can be both competitive and enjoyable times with friends. Women do it, men should too. Women are better at social interaction, but men may need it more.
Men have few lasting friends. College, Careers, Deployment, Relocation – their networks get stretched thin. At the end of life, maybe five deep friendships remain? That kind of separation should not be happening.
Wives, encourage your husband to get out – take up sports, a hobby, a club, or a neighborhood activity. Sometimes they will go alone, but nudge them toward taking a friend and making more friends.
One of those friends should be for spiritual counsel – a friend like that can be closer than a brother. He needs someone to confide in who knows how to pray and get results. They do exist.
Another should be an exercise buddy. Walking, hiking, basketball, gym membership – get moving and get better at it every month.
Most men delay seeing a Doctor. Get physically fit, and get regular checkups so you can be there for your family!
Know a financial counselor, learn how to regularly invest long term and save short term. Start early and keep at it. Learn how to get out of debt. Make it your goal to be totally debt free as soon as you can. You will sleep better in your own home once it is paid off!
Some of these wise friends may become your sports buddy, your weekend project pal, or your family vacation trip mates. Open your life to the riches of friendship. You will grow wiser, stronger, and richer.
One day your kids will say, I want to have friends like my Dad had.
Think about it!
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